Problem: Traditional refractory-lined air heaters were expensive to maintain and rebuild.
Solution: I.C.E. proposed developing an industrial stainless steel refractoryless air heater system, fueled by natural gas. The system could also operate on #2 fuel oil or propane as emergency standby energy sources. This would eliminate the problems caused by the heavy refractory linings.
Result: The Direct Fired Stainless Steel Refractoryless Air Heater design provided the following advantages:
Problem: Customers of the railroad lining industry must now meet the documentation requirements of both the tank's temperature and time at multiple locations on the same tank car.
Solution: I.C.E. developed a system that monitors many locations on multiple tank cars and controls from multiple points to assure uniform and complete curing of the tank car's lining. Using I.C.E.'s industrial Direct Fired Air Heaters, two to four cars can be monitored from the same air heater versus the original one to two cars.
Result: The temperature control and monitoring system has the following advantages: